I’ve a customized .bashrc
file with a great deal of aliases and customized capabilities which is all situated in ~/.bashrc
. In ~/.zprofile
I added supply ~/.bashrc
. All my capabilities and alias work apart from the next.
autoload -U colours && colours
VALID="${NEWLINE}%F{009}┏━[%f%F{010}%n%f%F{011}@%f%F{014}%m%f%F{009}]–[%f%F{010}%~%f%F{009}]${NEWLINE}┗━━━▶%fpercentF{011} %(!.#.$)%f "
INVALID="${NEWLINE}%F{009}┏━[✗%f%F{white}]–[%F{010}%n%f%F{011}@%f%F{014}%m%f %F{009}]–[%f%F{010}%~%f%F{009}]${NEWLINE}┗━━━▶%fpercentF{011} %(!.#.$)%f "
export PS1;
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gxexcxdxbxegedabagacad
With the above code. I get the next error colours: operate not outlined by file
It then doesn’t load the customized terminal look, till i really manually should sort and supply ~/.zprofile
How do i get the terminal to load the customized look routinely with out having to manually supply ~/.zprofile
. I do know the bashrc file works because the aliases and customized capabilities all work.
The cool look comes from https://github.com/cfahd/parrotos-macos/blob/principal/cfahd.txt
Which makes the terminal seem like a ParrotSec terminal